2017-05-28 22:01:14 UTC
On the other hand, Trump has insulted women and every minority and every
ethnicity (other than those males of white, European background) and is
held to a far, far lower standard than Clinton was.
On the news the other day there was a report of a study done by a majorethnicity (other than those males of white, European background) and is
held to a far, far lower standard than Clinton was.
university (I can't remember if it was Harvard or Yale) regarding the
stories journalism has done on Trump. NY Times was 99% negative followed
by Washington Post, ABC, and CBS all above 92%. Fox came in at 52%
negative. Those were the only media measured.
So I don't see that the holding him to a lower standard carries any
water, sincestories about Hilary have never come close to those percentages.
Just saying. Not a Trump groupie. Will admit to voting for him as the least
objectionable but had to hold my nose. And I pray daily that he will grow into
the job, and learn to and stop tweeting or speaking off the cuff.
needlessly involved himself in so many scandals in such a short time.
He has also engaged in unconstitutional actions that the courts have had
to halt, and that because he really knows nothing about the law or the
Constitution - a bad trait for a head of state.
President the power to deny entry to the US of anyone for any reason he
sees fit.
The reason so many stories are so negative is that the mainstream media is
terminally biassed towards the left. They have been totally negative to
the extent that no sane person believes a word from the NYT, WashPo, CNN MSNBC
"The New York Times (NYT) added 276,000 subscribers after Donald Trump's election as US president" - Quartz Feb 3, 2017
"The Washington Post set records for traffic and digital advertising revenue in 2016 ... new subscriptions have grown by 75 percent, more than doubling digital subscription revenue." - NPR Dec 27, 2016