Post by Francis A. MiniterPost by Carol DickinsonPost by Francis A. MiniterOn the other hand, Trump has insulted women and every minority and every
ethnicity (other than those males of white, European background) and is
held to a far, far lower standard than Clinton was.
On the news the other day there was a report of a study done by a major
university (I can't remember if it was Harvard or Yale) regarding the
stories journalism has done on Trump. NY Times was 99% negative followed
by Washington Post, ABC, and CBS all above 92%. Fox came in at 52%
negative. Those were the only media measured.
So I don't see that the holding him to a lower standard carries any
water, sincestories about Hilary have never come close to those percentages.
Just saying. Not a Trump groupie. Will admit to voting for him as the least
objectionable but had to hold my nose. And I pray daily that he will grow into
the job, and learn to and stop tweeting or speaking off the cuff.
The reason that so many news stories are negative is that Trump has
needlessly involved himself in so many scandals in such a short time.
He has also engaged in unconstitutional actions that the courts have had
to halt, and that because he really knows nothing about the law or the
Constitution - a bad trait for a head of state.
Can't remember reference, I've seen quoted the law which gives the
President the power to deny entry to the US of anyone for any reason he
sees fit.
The reason so many stories are so negative is that the mainstream media is
terminally biassed towards the left. They have been totally negative to
the extent that no sane person believes a word from the NYT, WashPO, CNN,
MSNBC, to name just a few. Two scoops of icecream is a story?
Post by Francis A. MiniterHe should never have hired Flynn. President Obama told him not to.
Rep. Elijah Cummings wrote a letter to Pence (who was vetting Flynn)
telling them not to hire Flynn. But Trump went ahead anyways (and Pence
boldly lied about it later.)
If Obama said not to hire Flynn, that is the strongest reason to do so.
That said, Flynn lied about his contact with the Russians (why I don't know
because there is nothing inherently wrong with speaking to Russian
diplomats: it's what they are there for), and for that alone he deserved to
be fired.
Post by Francis A. MiniterThink of it, when he said that he fired Comey to end the pressure on
himself over Russia, he was admitting to committing a federal felony -
obstruction of justice. But I think he had no idea that he knew he was
making a confession, because he has never thought about the law and
because he confuses president with king.
I disagree, Francis, with all due respect to your legal expertise. Even
Dershowitz says there is no probable cause.
Post by Francis A. MiniterThen there are all the attempts he made to set up a secret line of
communication with Putin beyond the reach of our intelligence community.
Former CIA Director Brennan testified to numerous phone calls by Trump
people dealing with that subject. And in January, Trump sent Erik
Prince (founder of Blackwater and brother to Betsy DeVos) to the
Seychelles to meet with a Russian agent to try to work out details of
such a secret means of communication. In the Revolutionary War, we
hanged Major Andre for that, and would have hanged General Benedict
Arnold if he had not escaped.
I've never seen that story anywhere in the left or right media.
Post by Francis A. MiniterThe other thing I have been thinking of late is that his cognitive
abilities are dropping like a stone in air, let alone water. Download
the 19 page transcript of his interview with The Economist and read it.
He had Mnuchin along side for assistance (which turned out to be none
since the only thing that Mnuchin did was to say - falsely and rather
toady-like - that China only began to support its currency after Trump
took office [they did so in 2014]). Trump's statements are highly
repetitive, use simple words (no economic jargon at all), and his
sentences structures are total messes. His vocabulary is shrinking, his
memory is gone (he claimed in the interview to have invented the phrase
"prime the pump"), and he could not remember the questions put to him.
It may be the pressures of the office, or it may be his fears of what is
coming, but Trump is coming undone.
So what? Nothing he's done thus far is as bad as Obama's least
infringements. Remember the open mike incident in discussions with the
Post by Francis A. MiniterSo, what has Trump done that is worthy of praise in the media? Well,
some people liked his missile raid on Syria. Curiously, it was his base
that most disliked it. Some like his tough talk on North Korea, but it
is even scaring our top generals who have gone public to state that any
war would be disastrous to the peoples on the Korean Peninsula. Seoul
is only a few miles from the border. Millions might die there before
the US could quiet the North Korean artillery. He has done nothing for
the economy. The Trump Bump has quickly turned into the Trump Slump,
and the economic gains we are having are the result of continuation of
President Obama's policies.
Sorry, Francis. But anything Trump has done so far in the Middle East or
SEAsia has had a positive effect when compared with the mess left by Obama
an his Secretaries of State. There won't be a war on the Korean Peninsular
because China will intervene and clip Kim's feathers.
Post by Francis A. MiniterTrump said he would help the coal miners. But his new deal with China
helps natural gas producers at the expense of the coal industry. His
deregulation of effluents into the water supply will only poison miners.
His American Health Care Act will kill off those miners with black
lung and COPD.
Post by Francis A. MiniterTell me, what has he done that is good?
He's kept Hillary and Bill out of the White House. For that alone he
should be canonised. As for the rest of it, I'm just amazed, as is
everyone not a committed left wing zealot, at the vicious so called
resistance movement, and the scurrilous behaviour of Democrats in general.
It's beyond pathological, and demonstrates beyond all reasonable doubt
that in its current state the Democratic Party is unfit to govern.
There's far too much obstructionism going on, and I say that with no
admiration for Trump. But keep it up, because it will guarantee that Trump
will get a second term, and probably put the Reps in power for a
generation. Fair-minded people resent clear partisan bastardry.